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Tesla Fact 5

Why does it slow down so much when you let off the accelerator? Tesla’s use regenerative braking, meaning they reverse the motor to both put power back into your battery pack, and also greatly reduce the wear and tear on brake rotors and pads. This can be annoying for a first time Tesla driver, because you do not coast to a stop, the car decelerates so rapidly it automatically turns the brake lights on, without you even touching the brake pedal and you miscalculate your distance. This is an option that you can turn off in the functions, but once you are used to it, it is great. You can calculate your driving to almost only use one pedal during city driving. One of the major downfalls is when you return to a regular vehicle you always forget it doesn’t automatically slow you down when you let off the accelerator. Most Tesla’s are getting brakes replaced only because of unsightly surface rust or pad failure from rust.