Tesla Fact 3

Does it really drive itself? Kind of..they have Autopilot and my Model S has an older version, I will discuss that in this fact. My autopilot will steer on almost all roads, yes even windy ones, it is wild to watch the steering wheel go crazy. Which usually follows the next statement, can you really fall asleep? No, whatever news showed that either got played or the person filming them did, but you have to provide input to the steering wheel every so often, otherwise the car will eventually turn the hazards on and come to a stop, or put you in Tesla time out (when you aren’t quick enough to respond, it will disable autopilot for the rest of your trip, then you have to drive the car manually which is super annoying). Autopilot will follow other cars speed, you can adjust how far you want to follow a car, and you set your speed and it will adjust if needed based off the car in front of you. This is awesome in stop and go, you don’t have to do anything, the car will stop completely and go on its own. This is a fun one to show people who are “afraid of technology”, they will start to brake on the passenger side! Send me a message if you notice anything odd about this image of my Model S.

Tesla time out

Tesla Fact 4


Tesla Fact 2